Ephemera is everyday material such as booklets, pamphlets or brochures collected from companies, departments, organisations and associations.
The ephemera collection
The ephemera collection is located at the Humanities Library. It contains only Swedish material. The oldest material in the collection is from the 17th century, but most of the material is from the years 1850 to 1950. The collection paints a picture of an everyday life and can become an important resource for research and studies over time.
A lot of the material is not catalogued and can't be found by searching in Supersearch. The collection's content is instead listed further down on this page. Most of the sections are closed, which means that material is not being added to them. Some exceptions do occur, which sections this applies to are clarified in each section's description.
Request ephemera
Most of the material in the collection can be requested by filling out a request form at the Humanities Library's information desk.
Small parts of the collection has been catalogued and can be found and requested in Supersearch. Information about which parts that can be found in Supersearch is listed further down on this page.
The delivery time for a requested item is three hours. You have to place your request before 15.00 if you want same day delivery. Requests placed on evenings or weekends will be processed the following weekday.
Reading room pick-up
When your request is ready for pick-up it will be placed for you to read in the reading room at the Humanities Library. Ephemera is not availible for home loan.
Sections and categories
When you request material you need to state the Swedish name of the section on the request form.
Affischer (Posters)
The Poster section contains about 12 000 posters in different formats. The section contains material from the beginning of the 19th century to the year 2000. A printed index of the section and instructions for requesting material are available at the Humanities Library's information desk.
The section contains the following categories:
- Cirkus
- Film
- Folkomröstningar
- Konst
- Musik
- Mässor
- Nobelpris
- Nykterhet
- Organisationer, föreningar och sällskap
- Politik
- Reklam
- Sport
- Teater
- Undervisning
- Utländska affischer
- Utställningar
- Välgörenhet
Affärstryck (Commercial print)
The section contains catalogues and manuals from different stores and organisations. The majority of the section contains prints from 1850 to 1980. Older and newer material is available in smaller numbers.
The section contains the following categories:
- Priskuranter
- Varubeskrivningar
- Annonser och Reklam
- Informationsmaterial
- Kataloger
- Instruktioner
You can find and request some of the section's material by searching the term Affärstryck in Supersearch.
Allmänna sällskap (Associations and societies)
The section contains materials from fraternal organisations and a small number of associations.
The section contains the following categories:
- Allmänna sällskap
- Coldin Göteborg ca 1843-1980
- Coldin Karlskrona
- Coldin Stockholm
- Frimurarorden Göteborg ca 1830-1978
- Götiska förbundet
- Bifrostorden
Allmänna utställningar och mässor (Public exhibitions and fairs)
The section contains the following categories:
- Mäss- och utställningskataloger
- Jubileumsutställningen i Göteborg 1923
Almanackor (Almanacks and calendars)
The section contains the following categories:
- Almanackor A-Ö cirka 1950-2000
- Almanack - till Göteborgs horisont 1898-1974
- Almanack - till Luleå horisont 1901-1974
- Almanack - till Lunds horisont 1901-1974
- Almanack - till Stockholms horisont 1866-1974
- Den svenska almanackan 1873-1998 (Supersearch)
- Flickornas kalender
- Kalender för svenskarna i Estland 1903-1931
- Pojkarnas fick-kalender
- Skolungdomens kalender 1934-1961
Fackföreningstryck (Trade union prints)
The section contains material from about 300 trade unions. The prints are sorted by union, including local material from Gothenburg.
The section contains the following categories:
- Dagordningar och deltagarförteckningar
- Förslag och utlåtanden över motioner
- Kongresser
- Motioner
- Protokoll
- Rapporter och program
- Stadgeändringar
- Stadgar
- Verksamhetsberättelser
New material is still added to the section. The parts containing older prints can also include other types of material such as pamphlets, brochures, periodicals and newsletters.
You can find and request the section's material by searching Fackföreningstryck and the name of the trade union, for example "Fackföreningstryck Svenska murareförbundet", in Supersearch.
Göteborg (Gothenburg)
The section mainly contains tourist information such as flyers, maps, and information about companies and areas.
The section contains the following categories:
- Turistinformation
- Flygblad
- Kartor
Göteborgs universitet och högskolor (Gothenburg's universities and colleges)
The section contains the following categories:
- Allmänt (A-Ö)
- Fester och promotioner
- Folkuniversitetet
- Göteborgs universitet
- Handelshögskolan
- Kursverksamheter
- Socialhögskolan
- Studentkårer
- Studentspex
- Studieplaner
- Vårdhögskolan
Idrottsföreningar och evenemang (Sports clubs and events)
The section contains local material from sport clubs in Gothenburg and Bohuslän, as well as material from the Olympic games from the years 1912 to 1992.
The section contains the following categories:
- Idrottsföreningar (A-Ö)
- Gymnastik
- Friidrott
- Fotboll
- Handboll
- Bordtennis
- Bowling
- Simning
- Segling
- Ridsport
- Bandy
- Skytte
- Ishockey
- Golf
- Olympiska spelen i Stockholm 1912
- Olympiska spelen 1924-1992
Internationella relationer (International relations)
The section contains but is not limited to flyers, brochures and exhibition catalogues.
The section contains the following categories:
- Internationella relationer, allmänt
- Folkrätt
- Diplomati
- Fredsrörelser
- Röda korset, Göteborg och Bohuslän
Konstutställningar (Art exhibitions)
The section contains catalogues and prints sorted into the following categories:
- Konstnärsmonografier (A-Ö)
- Konstutställningar (orter och utställare)
- Vandringsutställningar
You can find and request the section's material by searching the name of each category, for example Konstnärsmonografier, in Supersearch.
Lönestatistik och ackordprislistor (Salary statistics and piece rates)
The section is sorted by industry and contains the following categories:
- Ackordprislistor
- Lönetabeller
- Lönestatistik
Museer, stiftelser och fonder (Museums, trusts and foundations)
The section contains informational material from museums and museum associations as well as speeches, member lists and statutes.
The section contains the following categories:
- Museer
- Museiföreningar
- Stiftelser och fonder i Göteborg
- Konung Gustaf V fonder
- Kungliga svenska vetenskapsakademien
- Nobelstiftelsen
- Svenska institutet
- Vitterhetsakademien
Musikalier och musik- och teaterprogram (Printed music and programmes for theatres and concerts)
The section contains the following categories and subcategories:
- Sånger och visor
- Texter till körverk och libretton
Musikprogram, Göteborg (Supersearch)
- Göteborgs blåsorkester
- Göteborgs orkesterförening
- Göteborgs Symfoniker
- Kammarkonsert
- Musikhögskolans symfoniorkester
- Parkorkestern
- Övriga
Teaterprogram, Göteborg
- Atelierteatern, enstaka program 1951-ca 1980
- Folkets hus teater,1954-1957
- Folkteatern, 1897-1942
- Folkteatern, Kupletter 1899-1901
- Folkteatern, Karl Gerhards revyer
- Folkteatern (Järntorget), 1957-
- Göteborgs Stadsteater, 1934-
- Göteborgs teatrar, äldre material
- Göteborgs teatrar, enstaka program
- Göteborgsoperan, 1994-
- Lilla teatern, enstaka program
- Lisebergsteatern, enstaka program 1928-1982
- Liseberg, Dagens program, 1924-1957
- Liseberg, Veckans revy, 1942-1956
- Lorensbergsteatern, 1916-1934
- Nya Teatern, 1917-1927
- Stora Teatern, 1889-1993
Teaterprogram, Stockholm
- Drottningholms Slottsteater, 1949-1996
- Dramatiska Teatern, 1928-1969 ; 1970-1981/82 (title: Dramaten)
- Intima teatern, Enstaka program, 1915-1994
- Konserthusteatern, 1928-1929
- Kungliga Operan, 1928-
- Oscarsteatern, 1906-1990
- Stockholms Stadsteater, 1960-1995
- Stockholms teatrar, enstaka program
- Riksteatern, 1969-198-?
You can find and request the section's material by searching the name of each theatre, for example Göteborgs Stadsteater, in Supersearch.
Nykterhetsrörelser (Temperance movements)
The section contains informational material, annual reports and mailing lists from different temperance movements. The list of movements is not complete, a number of alphabetically sorted units not listed can also be requested.
The section contains the following categories:
- Allmänt (A-Ö)
- Centralförbundet för nykterhetsundervisning
- IOGT (allmänt, kongresser, Göteborg, Skara-Älvsborg)
- Järnvägsmännens helnykterhetsförbund
- De kristna samfundens nykterhetsrörelse
- Lions
- Länkarna, Göteborg
- Motorförarnas helnykterhetsförbund (allmänt, husvagnsklubb, ungdom)
- NTO (allmänt, Göteborg, Älvsborg, försäkringsförening, ungdomsförbund)
- Nordens Godtemplares ungdomsförbund
- Svenska nykterhetsfrämjandet
- Sveriges blåbandsförbund
- Sveriges Godtemplares ungdomsförbund
- Sveriges lärares nykterhetsförbund
- Sveriges polismäns helnykterhetsförbund
- Verdandi (allmänt, Göteborg, Västra Sverige)
- Vita bandet
Personverser (Occasional poetry)
An occasional poem is a poem written for a person at a certain occasion, for example a promotion, an appointment, a wedding or a funeral.
The section contains a large number of occasional poetry from the 17th century to the year 1979 and contains the following categories:
- Personverser (A-Ö) (Supersearch)
- Personverser över kungliga personer (Supersearch)
- Personverser över okända (Supersearch)
Partitryck (Political party prints)
The section contains manifestos, annual reports and election material as well as local material and material from conferences and youth associations from the following political parties:
- Allmänna valmansförbundet
- Arbetarepartiet kommunisterna
- Bondeförbundet
- Centerpartiet
- De rödgröna
- Folkpartiet
- Frisinnade landsföreningen
- Högerpartiet
- Kommunistiska förbundet marxist-leninisterna
- Kommunistiska partiet marxist-leninisterna (revolutionärerna)
- Kristdemokraterna
- Miljöpartiet de Gröna
- Moderata samlingspartiet
- Ny demokrati
- Sjukvårdspartiet
- Sverigedemokraterna
- Sveriges kommunistiska parti
- Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti
- Vänsterpartiet
- Vänsterpartiet kommunisterna
- Diverse främlingsfientliga partier
New material is still added to the section. You can find and request material by searching Partitryck and the party's name in Supersearch, for example "Partitryck Bondeförbundet".
Politik och förvaltning (Politics and administration)
The section contains the following categories:
- Kungliga brev och regleringsbrev
- Riksdagen
- Hovstaterna och kungliga besök
- Förvaltning, Göteborg (till exempel spårvägen, hamnen)
- Allmänna kungörelser (Göteborg och Bohuslän)
- Överståthållareämbetets kungörelser
- Statens informationsstyrelse (SIS)
Sakkunnigutlåtanden (Expert reports)
The section contains but is not limited to expert reports about professorship appointments from Gothenburg, Linköping, Lund, Stockholm and Uppsala.
Telefonkataloger (Phone books)
The section contains Swedish phone books from the year 1901 and onwards. The Library also holds "Abonnenter i förbindelse med Kongl. Telegrafverkets centralstation i Göteborg" for 1 July 1888 and for 1 July 1891. For the year 1891 the Library also holds "Kongl. Telegrafverkets telefonförbindelse i Stockholm och å andra dermed förbundne orter".
You can find and request material by searching Telefonkatalog in Supersearch.
Underhållning, fester och ceremonier (Entertainment, parties and ceremonies)
The section contains the following categories:
- Underhållning Göteborg
- Göteborgs lucia
- Liseberg
- Sommarunderhållningen i Göteborg
- Offentliga fester och ceremonier (kröningar, kungliga dop och stadsbesök)
You can find and request material by searching on category name, for example Göteborgs lucia.
Visor och dramatik (Songs and plays)
The section contains the following categories:
- Visor
- Folklustspel
- Pjäser
- Sketcher
Contact us about ephemera
Contact the Humanities Library if you have questions about the ephemera collection.